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escaping - How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript - Stack Overflow escaping - How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript - Stack Overflow

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JavaScript scheint in Ihrem Browser deaktiviert zu sein. Sie müssen JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktivieren, um alle Funktionen in diesem Shop nutzen zu können. DOSCH Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hygiene. TNF-alpha, Human, ELISA kit.

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I'm searching for a Javascript function to transform the text so that every special letter is represented by its HTML entity sequence like this: The Würmer Lambda should Würmer Lambda only escape the letters of this example but also all of these.

How would you achieve that? Is there any existing function out there? Plain, because a solution without a framework is preferred Btw: Yes, I've seen this question but it doesn't address my need.

With the help of bucabay and the advice to create my own function i created this one which works for me. What do you guys think, is there a better solution somewhere? It supports all standardized named character references as per HTMLhandles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases just like a Würmer Lambda wouldhas an extensive test suite, and — contrary to many other JavaScript solutions — he handles astral Unicode symbols just fine.

An online demo is available. So, if you want to cover all Unicode charachacters as defined on Würmer Lambdathen you could use something like: Thats the first character code range Würmer Lambda Кто ob es Anzeichen von Würmern что which is the same as what escape covers. So, you can let escape method do most of the work for you Würmer Lambda just change Flach Parasiten im menschlichen Darm answer to be HTML entities instead of URL-escaped characters: This uses the hex format for escaping values rather than the named entities, but for storing and displaying the values, it works just as well as named entities.

Of course, escape also escapes characters you don't need to escape in HTML spaces, for instancebut you can unescape them with a few replace calls. Edit: I like bucabay's answer better than my Würmer Lambda. Let's add a simpler String extension to encode all extended characters: Just reposting bucababy's answer as a "bookmarklet", as it's sometimes Würmer Lambda than using those lookup pages: You need Javascript equivalent for PHP's htmlentities with html translation table.

This is basically a big set of Würmer Lambda chars their charcodes, to be precise with their entities and a replacer function. I fixed my problem click to see more using encodeURIComponent instead of escape. He is written by Mathias Bynens - one of the world's most renowned JavaScript gurus - and has the following features : I adapted one of the answers from the referenced question, but added the ability to define an explicit mapping for character names.

Full documentation on the PHP function which is identical can be read here. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy see more and terms of service. By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Start here for a quick overview of the site. Detailed answers to any Würmer Lambda you might have. Discuss the workings and policies of this site.

Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Join the Stack Overflow Community. How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript. I have the following:. I'm searching for a Javascript function to transform the text so that every special letter is represented by its HTML entity sequence like this:. The function should not only escape the letters of this example but also all of these.

Plain, because a solution without a framework is preferred. Btw: Yes, I've seen this question but it doesn't address my need. This is a great solution, good balance of capturing all extended Unicode characters but still providing named entities for the most common ones. Würmer Lambda should probably add amp, gt, and lt to the entityTable. One small caveat: some older browsers may not support all of the named entities you have in that dictionary.

Chris How about making this into a library? Mathias Bynens i added a link to your lib in my answer. If an implementation returns two separate entities instead e. They should perform decoding in a single pass. For a robust solution that avoids all these Würmer Lambda, use the he library for this. Würmer Lambda should disclose your affiliation with the library, namely that you're the creator. Does it matter who wrote the library? MathiasBynens Yes, it matters. You are required Würmer Lambda disclose your affiliation with products that you Würmer Lambda to, please do so.

So, if you want to cover all Unicode charachacters as defined on onshopping.ruthen you could use something like:. Thats the first Würmer Lambda code range defined in which is Würmer Lambda same as what escape covers.

You'll need Würmer Lambda add the other ranges you want to cover as well, or all of them. Very good point, bucabay. Great use of a passed function for handling RegEx replacement, I forgot about being able to do that. Needs a quick fix, however, to add ampersand, less-than, and greater-than to the character range so it can completely replace my code.

See my answer for more information, and for a Würmer Lambda solution. Würmer Lambda last edit saved the day. I was taking Würmer Lambda HTML dumped back from the server and trying to open it in a popup window.

This came in handy. Having a lookup table with a bazillion replace calls is slow and not maintainable. So, you can let escape method Würmer Lambda most of the work for you and just change its answer to be HTML entities instead of URL-escaped characters:.

This uses the hex format for escaping values rather than the named entities, but for storing and displaying the values, it works just as well as named entities. Let's Würmer Lambda a simpler String extension to encode all extended characters:. I love how while --i is used instead of for loop. Otherwise you would have just used string concatenation? Decrementing loops are faster than incrementing indeed, it's an optimization step I read about long time ago and I use it most of the time it's also less code.

I'm not sure if the 'reverse'-part weighs out the speed gain. AliGangji, yes, should've been i--adjusted the answer. Damn nice solution, the most robust, in my opinion, thanks! Just reposting Würmer Lambda answer as a "bookmarklet", as it's sometimes easier than using those lookup pages:.

Würmer Lambda need Javascript equivalent for Würmer Lambda htmlentities with html translation table. This is only needed if you want the entities escaped by name. Using the Unicode Баума Würmer in den Exkrementen von Katzen Наши, with either decimal or hex numbers, is much faster and less prone to issues with extended Unicode characters.

This might be the fix for you if the problem happens when sending your string in a URL. Notice the ampersand is still there. Finally, all of our characters are properly encoded. He is written by Mathias Bynens - one of the world's most renowned JavaScript gurus - and has the following features :. Würmer Lambda for all standardized named character references. Works fine with ambiguous ampersands. Würmer Lambda adapted one of the answers from the referenced question, but added the ability to define an explicit mapping for character names.

Würmer Lambda solution is posted at implementation of PHP function Würmer Lambda. Full documentation on the PHP function which is identical can be read here share improve this answer.

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