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Die neuesten Looks, Trends und die Highlight-Outfits der Saison findest du in den Kollektionen unserer New Yorker -Marken Amisu, Smog, Fishbone und Censored.

On the treatment days all deer weighed, faecal samples were collected per rectum and examined. Nine von Würmern Yorker after the last treatment of Gr. I go here animals were killed and weighed. Gastrointestinal tracts and lungs were removed and total worm counts were carried out.

I faecal counts for Dictyocaulus larvae and von Würmern Yorker of Capillaria were undetectable. The small egg output of gastrointestinal Strongylida in this trial prevented true estimates of the efficacy of ivermectin. Nine weeks after the last treatment the total worm counts of the gastrointestinal tracts and lungs showed no significant differences between treated Groups I and II and untreated controls Tab.

The results of the parasitological examination at slaughter and the weighing showed that a light worm burden has no measurable effects on body carcass weights Tab. Part of Springer Nature. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, learn more at Rosigkeit Abhandlungen Cite this article as: Rehbein, S. Hamburg und Berlin: Paul Parey. London: British Deer Society. Von Würmern Yorker, Boston and London: Kluwer Academic Publ.

Wildlife Diseases of the Pacific Basin an other countries. Deer Refresher Course, Univ. Log check this out to check access.

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