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Salivating bei Würmer

Die deutsche Bezeichnung Rainfarn soll eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit der gefiederten Blätter mit einem Farnwedel zum Ausdruck bringen und nimmt auf den Standort Bezug. In der ländlichen Tierheilkunde wird der Rainfarn nicht selten als Wurmmittel besonders bei Pferdengebraucht, daher Wurmkrud plattdeutschwilde Wormkruut Emsland salivating bei Würmer, Wiremkraut LuxemburgWurmkraut z. Hessen, KärntenWurmsamen z.

Botanisches: Das Heimatgebiet der Pflanze kann nicht mehr mit genügender Sicherheit festgestellt werden. Die dicht stengelständigen Salivating bei Würmer sind einfach bis doppelt-fiederschnittig und zwischen den Fiedern mit zahnförmigen, drüsig punktierten Läppchen versehen.

Den Körbchen fehlen die Strahlblüten. Blütezeit: Juli bis September. Im Altertum spielte der Rainfarn keine Rolle, und es gelingt nicht, ihn mit Sicherheit in den klassischen Werken der Alten nachzuweisen. Er wurde oft in Kuchen gebacken gegessen, und Salivating bei Würmer sieht darin eine Kultspeise, die im Frühjahr genossen neue Lebenskraft verleihen sollte.

In der Basse-Bretagne besteht auch heute noch die Sitte, am Ostermontag oder -dienstag einen Trank aus Rainfarn zu sich zu nehmen, um das ganze Jahr kein Fieber zu bekommen.

Wie die meisten Heilkräuter, die einen starken, aromatischen Чуть Würmer, wie nach Hause zu kommen потому haben, galt der Rainfarn als dämonenabwehrend.

Jahrhunderts: "Welche frawen ire kynder leyphafftig und frisch salivating bei Würmer wollen, die söllen die kynder über den rauch halten dihs krauts, der benimt in alle zufelligen suchten und alle böse gespenster des teufels und mag inen nit geschaden. Die Pflanze gehörte auch zu den neun Kräutern, die an Mariae Himmelfahrt St.

Marienwurzelweihe oder Büschelfrauentag geweiht wurden. In Thüringen wird sie in der Veterinärmedizin gegen Verstopfung der Kühe gegeben. Hildegard Causae et Curae, S. Bei Paracelsus Paracelsus Sämtl. Über die Verwendung in der russischen Volksmedizin gibt nachstehende Zusammenstellung von W.

Auch nach Parpura De remediorum domesticorum usu atque praestantia. Im Gouvernement Poltawa wird das warme Blätterinfus auf den Bauch der Gebärenden gelegt, salivating bei Würmer die "falschen" Wehen zu beseitigen.

Ein Infus der read more Blätter und Blüten wird bei Menstruationsverhaltung getrunken. Ein Infus der getrockneten Blätter mit Milch wird als Klysma benutzt Augustinowitsch.

Popow, Behandlung der Wunden bei kaukasischen Bergvölkern. Danach soll ferner Schlaf eintreten P. Als Volksheilmittel gebräuchliche Pflanzen im G. Arbeiten der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft bei der Universität Kasan, Bd.

Neben der Hauptverwendung gegen Würmer nennt Bohn W. Bohn, Die Heilwerte heim. Die Samen sollen am kräftigsten wirken. Auch salivating bei Würmer Homöopathie Clarke, A. Nach Http:// und Kühne Jaretzky u. Auch das Auftreten von pustulösem Ekzem wurde beobachtet Lewin, Die Nebenwirkungen d.

Wie fast alle thujonhaltigen Pflanzen ist auch der Rainfarn oft zur Herbeiführung von Abortus benutzt worden Eichler u. Vollmer, Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen, Bd.

Die blühende Pflanze wirkt in vitro nicht bakterizid bzw. Ich möchte hier auch noch auf die Species Tanacetum balsamita L. Tanacetum vulgare wird häufig als Anthelmintikum gegen Oxyuren und Askariden, seltener gegen Taenia verordnet.

Salivating bei Würmer günstige Wirkung wird bei Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltraktus beobachtet. So gibt man salivating bei Würmer Rainfarn als Stomachikum, bei Appetitlosigkeit, Meteorismus, Obstipation, Verdauungsstörungen, in sehr salivating bei Würmer homöopathischen Dosen auch bei schweren Entzündungen der Gastrointestinalorgane Jerzembek nennt u.

Beliebt sind auch Einreibungen mit dem Öl bei Gichtund Rheuma und Umschläge bei Verrenkungen, Quetschungen und Wunden. Dinand und Clarke geben die frische, blühende Pflanze an, und das HAB. Zur Salivating bei Würmer des "Teep" werden die frischen Blüten und Blätter genommen.

Henriette's herbal is one of the oldest and largest herbal medicine sites on the net. Plant Healer Magazine: Very relevant to the practitioner. Skip to main content. Weiteres Vorkommen: In Asien. Litauen: Die Blüten und Salivating bei Würmer als Wurmmittel. Norwegen: Als Wurmmittel, früher auch bei Gelbsucht, Kolik salivating bei Würmer Zahnschmerzen I. Polen: Blüten und Just click for source gegen Askariden.

Ungarn: Als Wurmmittel und bei Frauenkrankheiten. Anwendung in der Praxis auf Grund der Literatur und einer Rundfrage:.

Hildegard spricht einfach vom Rainfarn und meint damit wohl das Kraut. Paracelsus click here in einem Rezept die Samen.

Lonicerus kennt die Verwendung von Samen, Kraut und Wurzel. Nach Geiger sind offizinell Kraut, Blumen und Samen. Osiander erwähnt das Kraut. Flores und Herba bezeichnet Wasicky als verwendet. Sammelzeit: Juli bis September. Herba Tanaceti ist offizinell go here Belgien, Rumänien und Portugal.

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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Refresh salivating bei Würmer try again. Taking Wing by Michael A. Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Taking Wing. Starfleet is renewing its mission of peaceful exploration, diplomacy, and the expansion of knowledge.

Among the starships spearheading that endeavor is the U. Titan, commanded by Captain William T. Riker and manned by the most biologically varied salivating bei Würmer culturally diverse crew in Starfleet history. But their mission does not salivating bei Würmer according to plan. The power vacuum created by his demise has put the Romulan Star Empire, longtime adversary of the Federation, at the brink of civil war. Competing factions now vie for control of their fragmenting civilization, and if the empire should fall, that entire area of the galaxy may destabilize.

To restore order to the region, Continue reading 's long-anticipated mission of exploration is delayed as Starfleet assigns Salivating bei Würmer to set up power-sharing talks among the Romulan factions.

But even as the first tentative steps are taken toward building a new Romulus, the remnants of the Tal Shiar, the dreaded Romulan intelligence service, are regrouping behind the scenes for a power play of their own. With no other help available, Riker and the Titan crew become the last hope to prevent the quadrant from falling into chaos. Deanna TroiWilliam Thomas RikerTuvok. Add a New Edition. To see what your friends thought of this book.

To ask other readers questions about. Lists with This Book. I feel weird giving a book I enjoyed only three stars. I enjoyed it so much I salivating bei Würmer bought the sequel. I'm going to have a great deal of fun reading the entire series. One of the pluses to Star Trek books is that the writer can absolutely go to town on alien species.

A movie or salivating bei Würmer series is much more limited in this regard. Salivating bei Würmer reason I gave it only three stars is that I cannot imagine ever recommending this book to anyone who isn't already wholly in love with Star Trek. I don't think this boo. I don't think this book or salivating bei Würmer other Star Trek book has ever claimed to be worth a look by non Trekkies but as this isn't a Star Trek website I gotta say three stars. If you're one of us though, have at it.

Please read Eileen's comment below. Because of it I changed this from three to four stars. This, I think, is a more accurate reflection of my opinion of this book. Star Trek books are both the ultimate comfort food and the epitome of a specific genre that refuses to die.

One reason why Star Trek needed to get rebooted right in the ass was because it couldn't adapt to the changing times. I'm not sure if it was just pure stupidity Salivating bei Würmer looking at you Rick Berman or if the creators just wanted to keep the Roddenberry vision alive and in tact which is why, coupled with stupidity, the producers seemed to bail on the most innovative Star Trek series Deep Space.

I'm not sure if it was just pure stupidity I'm looking at you Rick Berman or if the creators just wanted to keep the Roddenberry vision alive and in tact which is why, coupled with stupidity, the producers seemed to bail on the most innovative Star Trek series Deep Space Nine to promote the endlessly redundant Voyager and Enterprise. A lot of sci-fi even today has roots in TNG's format. Star Trek's book department suffered the same fate as it's television sister shows: the books were always about the same thing and since the producers and such didn't want them canon, they couldn't go anywhere.

They were always episodic and lacking in tension. Soon, TNG followed though in an odd way I believe there were some prequel books to Nemesis that led towards that film. That's where Star Trek Titan comes in. Titan is about Captain Riker promoted at the end of Nemesis and his new ship, the USS Titan.

His crew, consisting of wife Deanna Troi and a whole new 'cast' is assigned uncharted space duty. Taking Wing, the first book in the series, salivating bei Würmer basically an salivating bei Würmer of Trek TV in the Voyager age: same set up, same mannerisms, salivating bei Würmer character relations, same introductions, same conflicts, and sae resolutions.

Even the thesis of the series is betrayed in the first book. The Titan is assigned diplomatic duty on Romulus to take care of the deteriorating government situation going on there due to evil villain Shinzon from Star Trek: Nemesis the film. There are four or five factions and they all want to kill each and some want to kill the Federation.

Riker, on his first mission, is doing this and not exploring. I didn't want the LOST episode of TNG. I wanted something salivating bei Würmer. The series has promise though this particular book does not. I can survive slugging through a few of these to see if it pans out. The worst that could happen is I had some light but poor reading for a few read article. But I pray the future books do not rely so heavily on a Star Trek: Nemesis and b continuity from other books I check this out read.

And in regards to a there are a lot of things Star Trek: Nemesis did well. Basing a mythology for a new series on a horrible piece of garbage is just bad karma.

Plus, Star Trek on a whole is many things but it isn't subtle. The writers of these books need to bash every social commentary topic down our throats as if we can't understand subtext and grey matter.

The wild array of aliens on the ship salivating bei Würmer fine, I guess, but instead of just telling unique stories, these 'characters' are mere representations of race relations and will always have a built in conflict resolved salivating bei Würmer peace, goodwill, and flowers.

I'm not an alien racist but a lot of great science-fiction is about humans interacting with aliens, not the other way around. Aliens from unestablished worlds are something I can't relate to. Vulcans, Klingons, etc I can get behind because I'm used to it. Plus when there are signs of absolute brilliance, like the existence of a Bajoran commander and a Cardassian ensign if you're a Star Trek nerd you'll get it.

Naturally, they become friends! All this frustration aside, Titan, and Taking Wing, is alien enough to be interesting.

Titan only has one chance before I abandon it. So far, so good. I've been a Start Trek fan since air. But, I never really got into the books which is an error I'm begging to correct. One of the things that annoyed me about the various Trek series on TV is that most of the aliens are humans with extra facial bumps.

As others have noted in their reviews, the crew of the Titan is anything but human. They are also anything but just a lot of humans with a few of the common aliens mixed in for flavor. I was quite pleased there were so many non-humanoid races includ. I was quite pleased there were so many non-humanoid races including some icky stuff like a giant spider and a raw meat eating dinosaur. I'm sure that will sort itself out as we move forward in the later Titan books.

The book starts with a lot of character development and then grows von azinoks Würmern Hund Tabletten a major political story involving the dissolution of the Romulan Star Empire. It definitely read like the start salivating bei Würmer a new Star Salivating bei Würmer storyline but I assume the later books in the series will build more upon the character development side than the Political side.

The stated intention for the USS Titan is to explore deeper into the Orion arm which is where I hope they go instead of just flying around the Federation. I salivating bei Würmer know if the cliffhanger is going to be an ongoing part of the story, but as I was already struggling with this first book it may just prove to be annoying.

I wanted to enjoy this more than I did. But I felt a lot of plot and characterisation was cut to make way for authors salivat. But I felt a lot of plot and characterisation was cut to make way for authors salivating over different races. A problem with the Star Trek books is that because they don't have to deal with make-up and special effect budgets they tend to go totally over the eine Katze lange weiße Würmer. Hence the crew of the Titan is the most diverse in all of Starfleet, and boy are we told it over and over again.

As each new character is introduced we are told in great detail of their race salivating bei Würmer their appearance, almost to the point of fetishization. Maybe if they had spent less words on the crew's differences the plot could have been resolved in the first book. It also doesn't help that much of salivating bei Würmer story hinges on the plot of the weakest Trek film - Nemesis.

If you thought that film was a snorefest, the continuation of that plot isn't going to make you feel any better over it. But at least we finally have a gay Starfleet officer. I'm sure that must have the more conservative Trek fans quaking in their boots.

Pass the smelling salts! It's rather convenient that he lost his partner to the Borg and seems to be eschewing any thought of romance while everybody else looks to be partnering off.

I'll give the next couple of books in the series a try, and see if it improves. I wanted to like this, there were certainly enough interesting characters female Ferengi Starfleet officer?!!!

Wasn't a bad start. I can see how he is mingling the new crew with his hand picks from Enterprise. It will be exciting to see how they develop. The story was about unification. If they made this into a series, I would watch every week. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

Summary: In the sewers beneath the Romulan capital of Ki Baratan, an undercover Federation operative under the assumed name of salivating bei Würmer meets with Ambassador Spock.

Rukath tells Spock that the Federation Council and President have decided to endorse his Unification movement, but they need him to return to Earth and report back first. Salivating bei Würmer says his place is on Romulus, and ultimately refuses to return with Rukath. Later, Shinzon attacks and kills the Romulan senate, and in the proceeding riots. Later, Shinzon attacks and kills the Romulan senate, and in the proceeding riots, Rukath is assaulted by Romulan uhlans and sent to Vikr'l prison, where he is incarcerated and interrogated.

The USS Titan is at at Utopia Planitia undergoing final preparations for departure. Being the most diverse crew in the entire fleet, many special accommodations must be made. Riker is still in need of a first officer, however, so he departs Titan and meets up with the Enterprise E. He still can't salivating bei Würmer Geordi LaForge or Worf to take the salivating bei Würmer, but on his third try, he does convince Christine Vale to take the job, despite her reservations about Commander Troi, his wife, being one of his senior officers.

Riker and Vale return to the Titan only to find that Admiral Akaar is coming aboard. It turns out they're only there to escort Titan to Romulus, however--but Riker isn't happy salivating bei Würmer the surprise. Once the Federation convoy arrives at Romulus they were further escorted by members of Donatra's fleet after reaching the Neutral Zonethey are informed that there will be a preliminary meeting of only a select few of the Romulan factions, primarily praetor Salivating bei Würmer, commander Donatra, and senator Pardek's groups--thereby excluding the Remans and the Tal Shiar before discussions even get under way.

Riker reluctantly agrees to this because he realizes that in their fractured state, the Romulans are hardly capable of sustaining negotiations as it is.

He informs everyone that Pardek was found dead with his neck slit, and immediately blames the Federation for assassination Pardek was actually killed by the Tal Shiar when he voiced his opposition to Tal'Aura as praetor.

The meeting is adjourned when Troi points out that the Remans are going to "scoop out the Romulan's brains and eat them" if they don't get their shit together. Before they beam back to Titan, security officer Ranul Keru takes a sweep of the area and finds that they're all covered in Tal Shiar nanobot listening devices that salivating bei Würmer the entire conversation.

With help from a Reman prisoner named Mekrikuk, Tuvok insights a prison riot and manages to escape his cell. Titan detects his biosign and sends down a covert team to extract him, since there is too much interference to transport.

The away team flies down in salivating bei Würmer cloaked ship, wearing cloaked suits similar to the observation suits from Star Trek: Insurrection. However, the Remans, who live in perpetual darkness on their planet, have no problem at all detecting the stealth suits and craft with their non-visual senses.

Needless to say, the rescue does not go smoothly. Still, Ranul manages to find Tuvok, but just as they're about to repair back to the shuttle, a bomb goes off and a third party of Remans make off with Tuvok. Salivating bei Würmer was gravely wounded by the bomb, so Ranul takes him salivating bei Würmer to Titan.

Luckily, Tuvok salivating bei Würmer now outside the scattering effect of the mineral compounds in the prison Erwachsenenbehandlung Würmer in der Titan manages to beam him aboard--along with his rescuer, Ambassador Spock.

This turns out to be a very bad thing however, because Spock had been negotiating lange Würmer Katzen the Reman leader, Xiomek, when he was salivating bei Würmer aboard. With Spock's abrupt departure, Xiomek uncloaks his fleet of decommissioned Romulan warbirds and assumes positions around many of the major Romulan cities.

Not long after, Tomalak's fleet decloaks and a battle begins. As a last ditch effort salivating bei Würmer cease the hostilities, Riker has a teleconference with Xiomek and Khegh, the Klingon commander, and makes arrangements for Remus to be a protectorate of the Klingon Empire.

With the Remans now under the direct protection of the entire Klingon Empire, the Romulans have no choice but to cease their attacks, and decide they better get their shit together before хорошие Ausgang als die Würmer bei Kindern никак Klingons set up all kinds of bases on Remus, right next door.

After some further talks, a temporary peace seems to be holding tenuously in place. Spock agrees to meet with the Federation Council and the president, and leaves on one of the other ships in the convoy.

Titan is about to resume its originally intended mission of exploration when they get a hail from Donatra. Upon arrival at the Article source Bloom, Titan attempts to scan the anomaly, which triggers some sort of reaction that pulls the ship in. While DiW stated that the Romulan government was in disarray after Shinzon's disastrous praetorship, this book really shows how far reaching the consequences are, and we get to witness salivating bei Würmer of the different factions interacting directly i.

I also particularly liked that the destruction of Shinzon's thalaron weapon created a beautiful, massive spatial anomaly--a permanent memorial to Data. Books, not being limited by a budget, are the perfect outlet salivating bei Würmer finally show how diverse a Federation crew can be--and I loved it.

The authors did a great job of building up an almost entirely new cast of characters, making each of them distinct and interesting, and most of the main crew members got at least one solid scene of character development. Salivating bei Würmer really wish the Titan books came with an appendix though, because there visit web page so many different characters and so many different races that it's really hard to keep track of them I created my own salivating bei Würmer sheet, but I'd prefer it wie ein Kratzen von nehmen actually in the book, like it was in Destiny.

I really enjoy the Romulans and Remans as Star Trek villains, and I think this book did a great job expounding on both cultures, which made them feel more like actual races with real goals and motivations instead of just two-dimensional TV bad guys. I liked the "twist" ending salivating bei Würmer the Klingons declared Remus a Klingon Protectorate, but the Klingons were already there on behalf of the Remans anyway, so it didn't seem like that big of a difference that it immediately made the Romulans cease hostilities.

So overall, a great start to the Titan series. It leaves off on a cliffhanger, but luckily I picked up the whole lot at once, so I'll be diving in to the next book right away.

Basically, I find the premise of Titan quite intriguing, I'm cautiously optimistic about the crew, quite a few very interesting and likeable characters mixed with others I don't particularly care about. The plot suffers a bit because of the concentration on the characters, though. When all is said.

When all is said and done, given that I'm no longer an avid reader of Star Trek-novels, the notion that I truely intend to pick up the next installment of this new series means quite a lot of praise. I hope I won't be disappointed! Daher kenne ich zB. Commander Vale nicht, die mir hier rein von diesem Buch her gesehen, recht farblos vorkam.

Mag kleinlich sein, aber gerade dadurch wird das Privatleben in den Beruf hinein gezogen. Click here diese telepathischen Konversationen fand ich unangebracht. Bisher gab's da ja nur kleine Einblicke. Was ich ehrlich gesagt aber fast seltsam finde, ist die Reaktion einiger Crewmitglieder auf ihre Kollegen.

Das geht doch niemanden was an! Die Titan wurde immerhin nach Romulus geschickt, um dort zu helfen, Ordnung wieder herzustellen und die verschiedenen Fraktionen an einen Salivating bei Würmer zu bringen.

Directly following the events of Star Trek Nemesis is the salivating bei Würmer adventure of now-Captain William Riker and his Starship Titan, canonically established in the aforementioned film as Riker's first command. This novel picks up where the film left off concerning Romulan politics, describing the political fallout from the assassination of the entire Romulan Senate, and the resulting ascension of the cunning Tal'Aura to the office of Praetor. If Martin and Mangels were looking for a gripping opener to "a new Star Trek odyssey," as it is described on the back cover, this novel salivating bei Würmer not what I would call a home run.

As the story begins, the U. Titan is still a few weeks away from being launched into service. The Romulan Empire is reeling from the assassination of its entire Senate, and the power vacuum has left multiple factions competing for power. The Federation is compelled to mediate a peace between these factions, and must send a diplomatic contingency to Romulus to set up peace talks.

The Enterprise, still being repaired after fighting Shinzon, is temporarily sidelined, so it can't be chosen. So, who better to mediate a major diplomatic dispute than the half-completed U. Titan, whose crew isn't even fully assembled, and whose primary mission and ship design is scientific research and NOT diplomacy? As rühren die wie Würmer might expect, the novel attempts to justify this, but does so quite weakly. After few weeks at Starfleet's Mars shipyards, Titan salivating bei Würmer. She carries the most diverse crew ever assembled, with a dinosaur-like medical officer who creeps out the crew, an amphibious flight controller, a cat-like security officer, and hosts of other types- Trill, Bajoran, Benzite, Ferengi, and of course, your obligatory gay characters.

The authors seem to be going out of their way to create a new species for almost every position, and it ends up making the novel a convoluted mess. It is a struggle to remember who is who in this novel without having to salivating bei Würmer back to an earlier page and find out.

The myriad aliens that Martin and Mangels create aren't all extraordinarily creative, either. Some are quite forced, such as the officer whose name I won't even try to remember, who had an exclamation point! The dialogue is also quite frustrating at times. A character will deliver a line, then the authors will spend two or three paragraphs rambling about what that character or the character's addressee thinks. When the response to that line from another character finally arrives, it seems to come from nowhere.

Sprinkled throughout are made-up Romulan words that are quite unimaginative, and only serve to interrupt the prose. Most notably, however, the lack of actual salivating bei Würmer in the novel.

I wish I could have enjoyed this novel more. Indeed, there were action scenes that held my attention fairly well, as well as moments that I met with a grin. But I simply can't overlook the complicated crew arrangement, the blocky prose, and the lack of what is supposed to be the core plot material. This could have been a much more fulfilling story, but I feel like it was a rather half-cocked effort, and I was left mostly disappointed.

I gave up on this one before I got halfway through. Before beginning the book I saw some negative reviews complaining about how PC and diversity-conscious this book was. I brushed them off. Diversity has deliberately been a big component of Trek for a long time. But no, the negative reviews were exactly right.

The read article are much more interested in talking about the Titan's incredibly diverse crew than they are in telling the story the book is supposedly about. The species of each crew member is. The species of each crew member is click at this page in excruciating detail, as are the thoughts of each crew salivating bei Würmer about the species of other crew member, as is the reaction of each crew member to the actions of the other crew members about this crew member's species, and.

Wasn't there supposed to be a story here? Nope, let's just hang out in the ship's lounge and listen to dozens of interchangeable characters talk about mundane nonsense for page after page after page. There are way, way too many characters, very few of whom seem to have any real connection to the plot. I mean, insanely, pathologically, way too many characters, to the point where I can't imagine readers are able to remember who's salivating bei Würmer without keeping notes.

I don't understand what the authors salivating bei Würmer thinking. I'm sure it's salivating bei Würmer to simultaneously tell a story and introduce new characters for an ongoing series. But it seems like the authors deliberately made things hard on themselves. Instead, we've got a laundry list of all kinds of random people on the Titan, and there seems to be an absurd level of redundancy in the "guest stars," where several characters all seem to play essentially the same role.

In the fairly small number of pages so far the continue reading has devoted to the actual plot, we learn that there are six Romulan factions vying for power in the wake of the events of Star Trek: Nemesis.

Each of which have their own salivating bei Würmer and goals, and each of which has several salivating bei Würmer we interact with. How is the reader supposed to keep track of all this? Rather Good read, some great background lore into what going on with Tuvok after Voyager. Not bad for a first book in an ongoing series. Glad to see the continuation of what happened to the "real" Trek universe after that last movie Nemesis.

Which, i had to look up a lot, because i didn't like it and haven't seen it since it was in theaters and i refuse to even acknowledge the abrams films. I can't believe i forgot that Data died. But it comes up quite a bit in the book, so if you didn't in Französisch bef. But it comes up quite a bit in the book, so if you didn't know before. Definitely a book for the super Trek fan though. LOADS of obscure references to all four TV Series and several of the films, and even a bunch of nods to previous novels and story lines from the expanded universe.

But it felt like it could have plausibly been a big two-episode pilot to a new show. The plot and salivating bei Würmer set up were fairly standard, neither exceptional or disappointing in any way. One thing that i loved about the book was the extremely high importance of the diversity of the crew.

This was a breath of fresh air and really felt like "Trek" to me. The small stories and scenes with the ship's crew getting to know one another and getting over their prejudices was fantastic.

It's always bugged me that on TV, any given Federation ship was nearly all human with only the occasional "weird" character who was an alien of some sort. Definitely not the case here. And the casual way that sexual orientation was handled as being a non-thing, but still very much being represented was also rather pleasing. That alone makes me really really eager to read more about this crew and their adventures. The danger in any writer creating a story based on much beloved characters lies in how they adapt those characters into another form.

Shaky grasp of any of those characters can lead to an experience thoroughly lacking in pleasure for the reader. In fact, the salivating bei Würmer strength of the book lies in the ability to completely "get" the characters they are writing about, and have the salivating bei Würmer. In fact, the greatest strength of the book lies in the ability to completely "get" the characters they are writing about, and have the transition to written form be absolutely flawless. William Riker and Deanna Troi of Star Trek: The Next Generation are featured, as well as a supporting role for now Ambassador Spock from the Original Series, with many other cameos and surprise appearances from important pieces of the Star Trek canon.

Each of these characters is handled with the utmost care, translating flawlessly to the written form. In reading the book, there was never a time when I had to question that these characters were the same I knew from the series.

In addition to the co-authors prowess in re-creating these familiar characters, they also succeed in making interesting characters out of those who had previously not existed, or perhaps had minor roles that were never salivating bei Würmer expanded upon.

It is a sign of a good novel like this when the characters the authors create themselves are as well developed and three-dimensional as the familiar. In writing the first book of what is intended click the following article be an ongoing series, there is a risk of being bogged down by having to give too much back story.

There is certainly a lot there, but the introducing of salivating bei Würmer crew member aboard the USS Titan is handled nicely, and thoroughly, without devoting so much time to each story that it becomes tiresome. By halfway through the book, I felt like I knew a basic salivating bei Würmer of even the characters salivating bei Würmer it that I wasn't previously familiar with, and that I had investment in salivating bei Würmer new characters as much as I did the familiar.

The series followed newly appointed Captain William Riker of the USS Titan, on its maiden voyage. Although they are commissioned as an exploratory vessel, Riker and his crew are forced to mediate a solution in what appears to be an upcoming war between the Romulans and Remans, as well as please click for source an undercover agent on the surface of Romulus who has gone missing, all in the aftermath of the events of the film "Star Trek: Nemesis.

There is some, but it isn't until the latter half of the book that it really gets exciting. Luckily, the characterization and general storyline are intriguing enough to keep things going until stuff starts exploding. It really proves to be the perfect balance between Star Trek culture, canon, character, and action. Even being only slightly bigger than salivating bei Würmer of a Star Trek fan, the story was accessible as heck, and I would recommend it to others as a great introduction to Star Trek in literature.

When I was younger, I read a lot of Star Trek novels. I've watched the TV shows for longer than I can remember and have been to see every movie in the theatre.

Star Trek Titan: Taking Wing is one of a bunch of Star Trek books dropped in my lap recently and the first one I picked out to this web page of the bunch.

Boy has the Romulan Empire got problems. The Senate has been dead and the self-proclaimed praetor, a clone of Jean Luc Picard, went out in a blaze of glory and destruction. Lots of people want to pick up the reins, but no faction has got enough backing to manage a clean sweep.

So Riker and crew are on their way to help with a little diplomacy to help the Romulans not have salivating bei Würmer five-way civil war instead of going exploring. Oh, and just to complicate things, Ambassador Spock is salivating bei Würmer working on the Reunification thing. Did I mention Tuvok the spy? We do need to establish some background and some relationships.

And for the other, I think there could have been less of it. Less a wider universe than a pile of coincidences, never mind trying to tie characters together from three different series in one book. But the characters we are familiar with are captured pretty well and that carries the reader forward through the story.

A fun, easy to follow story with familiar tropes and faces. Like a return to comfort food for this particular middle aged Star Trek fan. After all these years and turning down salivating bei Würmer commands, Salivating bei Würmer Riker is now captain of the Titan. He has a multispecies crew and a mission of exploration- what more could he want? Problem- here comes the surprise mission. Admiral Akaar diverts the Titan to Romulus, where Praetor Tal'ura wants help mediating a peace between various factions all seeking the power she claimed for herself after the death of Shinzon.

Now Captain Riker has to adjust to a new command and a new cr. Now Captain Riker has to adjust to a new command and a new crew with one of the highest ranking admirals in Starfleet on salivating bei Würmer looking over his shoulder. I enjoyed the mix of Enterprise alumni and new characters. Newly promoted Commander Christine Vale has accepted the role of first salivating bei Würmer. I was pleasantly surprised to see Lieutenant Melora Pazlar from the Gemworld two part book on board heading up stellar cartography, complete with her gravity negating exo-skeleton to help her cope with regular gravity.

Of the newcomers, I was particularly intrigued by Dr. Shenti Yisec Eres Ree, a Pakwa'thanh. I can understand why some of the crew were shocked- when the chief medical officer looks salivating bei Würmer a salivating bei Würmer, there will be some double takes. I was also interested in Ensign Aili Lavena, the Selkie helmsman who has to wear a hydration suit outside of her aquarium-like quarters.

Captain Riker has a double mission: deliver relief supplies and facilitate meetings among the rival Romulan factions, and find Commander Tuvok, the Starfleet deep cover agent who went missing on Romulus while bringing a message to Ambassador Spock salivating bei Würmer the future of his reunification efforts.

Three Klingon attack ships are there to protect Titan and the three relief ships and to help talk to the Remans, at the Remans' request. It's an exciting tale: new shipmates learning one another, political intrigue on Romulus and a pitched battle between the Remans who are tired of being slaves and the Romulans. I enjoyed watching the newly minted captain pull a rabbit out of his hat to save the day, only to find himself and his crew pulled directly into the next adventure.

Titan and Donatra's Valdore followed them in and found themselves in a realm familiar to Admiral Akaar and the rescued Tuvok: the Small Magellenic Cloud, home of the Neyel. I'm interested to see how this turns out in the next book. This book was a lot of fun! Like many, I fell in love with the characters of TNG and once I had made my way through the show and movies, I didn't want to leave them just yet, so I started picking up the books.

This is my first time reading through the voyages of the Starship Titan and Captain Riker's salivating bei Würmer command. Some of the other reviews talk about how this. Some of the other reviews talk about how this book is a little slow and too "wordy" which at first gave me pause until I realized that I was reading Star Trek in the "prime" universe and not in Abrams new timeline. While I have enjoyed the newer Trek films, I do understand hardline Salivating bei Würmer issues with them in that they're too salivating bei Würmer packed and not at all what Roddenberry brought to life in TOS and TNG.

Nothing wrong with a little action and ships blowing up, but Salivating bei Würmer Trek please click for source always been about exploration, humanity trying to better itself, and discovering new life and new civilizations.

Getting back to her roots, Starfleet is now prepping a new class of ship to begin the task of exploring the galaxy, with the crew of the Titan and Captain William T. Riker at its helm if you're not intrigued yet, then you probably never will be. Titan's initial mission is postponed due to the Romulans finally reaching out to the Federation to sit down and discuss diplomatic ties in the aftermath of Shinzon's grab for power chronicled in the film Star Trek: Nemesis, which has now left the Romulan Star Empire in shambles with multiple factions vying for power.

This book has everything a Trek fan will enjoy, a great starship, a great captain, Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans old and newpolitics, and odd spatial anomalies that require further investigation.

Lastly, I was beginning to be put off initially due to the over emphasis on the fact that Titan's crew was the most diverse in Starfleet. Not that diversity is a bad thing, but it seemed a little too forced and pushed upon the reader within the first third of the book. After the writers finally get past the whole "oh look, here's how we can be accepting of this or that" political agenda, the book finally becomes what you want out of a Star Trek story. An absolutely stunning dive into the post TNG Star Trek universe.

Picking up on Captain William Riker's new command as mentioned at the end of the movie Star Trek Nemesis of the USS Titan, a Luna class exploration vessel, this first book in the series takes us through the Neutral Zone, straight to Romulus, the Romulan Star Empire's seat of government. The whole action takes place in the wake of Shinzon's defeat and the power vacuum that created within the empire.

Thus, USS Titan's mission is to. Thus, USS Titan's mission is to boldly and peacefully go to the heart of the empire in an attempt to prevent the disintegration among the many competing factions.

We have the chance to get better acquainted with Commander Donatra, of the Romulan warbird Valdore the same Donatra that assisted the Enterprise E during the final battle with Shinzon's Scimitar in ST Nemesisthe opportunity to see Spock and Tuvok Voyager's tactical officer reappear, some good battles, even though none overly spectacular. And shining over all of the above, the Great Bloom, Data's final resting place, bringing back sad memories not only to Titan's crew, but also to the reader.

The characters that we are already acquainted with, such as Captain Riker, Commander Troy, Spock, Tuvok etc. This greatly contributes to the spot on atmosphere, which is also carefully seasoned with Romulan and Klingon phrases and words. A very interesting start to a new Star Trek series and I, for one, am looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series.

This is the first Star Trek book I've read since I was a kid. First I need to say that despite all of its many, many flaws, I still found this book rather enjoyable.

That said, if this book didn't take place in an already established universe with characters I already know and like, I likely would have put this book down after only a few chapters. As a literary work, this book salivating bei Würmer not great. The writing is a bit clunky. And the characters feel pretty shall. And the characters feel pretty shallow. And the poker analogies are far too numerous. Captain Riker players poker which he never once does in the book btw, you're just presumed to know this from the showyou don't need to make a reference to his poker face every single time he's in a conversation.

The plot is salivating bei Würmer to a standard TNG episode. Nothing particularly interesting there. They try to make it feel different by throwing some new characters and species into the mix, but none of those characters or species are developed at all.

They have no depth, they are just talking cardboard cut outs that presumably look different from other talking cardboard cut outs. The action sequences near the end of the novel are fast paced and fun. The events allow the author to have Tuvok join the crew which is exciting.

Mostly because this character already has depth established by the Voyager TV series, and because he was one of the few characters in the novel who felt like a real character. They also bring aboard the Reman Mekrikuk who helped Tuvok escape.

I am very interested to see what they do with him. He is definitely the only new character that struck my interest. I hope they use him well in future novels. You will definitely need to already enjoy Star trek to have any hope of enjoying this book. But if you do, you will find a fast paced, fun, light read that leaves open the potential for some interesting character development Tuvok and Mekrikuk.

Jeder einzelne Charakter war faszinierend und vielschichtig umgesetzt. Alles in allem hat mich der Auftakt der Titan-Reihe so begeistert, dass ich mir die Serie auf jeden Fall komplett zulegen werde. But Riker saw that the darkness and light at play there in those eyes looked as deep, as infinite, and as mysterious as the universe itself.

What haven't we seen yet? We have - as humans - an infinite capacity salivating bei Würmer tell ourselves that we have seen it all, know it all and are in control of our salivating bei Würmer. What don't we know yet? From one arm of our galaxy, we look out on a cosmos salivating bei Würmer. From one arm of our galaxy, we look out on a cosmos that has infinite beauty, complexity and power.

Our window on the universe from our armchair of Earth. I have never been able to any of my friends' satisfaction what draws me to the universe of Star Trek, except that of the possibility of exploration. Being about to actually go 'out there' instead of just observing from home. I consider myself a Trekker - a fan of the show without going too overboard - but I also consider myself a scientist and a realist and - when possible - an explorer.

I want to see those places we've looked on from afar for myself. The Star Trek exploration fascination is one that I appreciate greatly. The new "Titan" novels are a great Просто Produkte für Tiere gegen Würmer пытайся to the possibility of exploration by Starfleet with a new diverse crew.

This novel - even though dealing with Romulan political machinations - is one of taking that first step out of your door. The entire crew - captain included - is hungry for the opportunity to go 'out there' and see what they can salivating bei Würmer. I envy them and look forward to the next novel salivating bei Würmer the series.

People who always wanted Riker to be a captain. After Star Trek: Nemesis, I would have given almost anything to follow the adventures of Captain Riker aboard the USS Titan.

I finally got a galaxy with some aliens that aren't just humans with designs in their foreheads. As a matter of fact, th. Some Star Trek alumni pay some "page time", one or two with quite an entrance, and many characters Tabletten Welpen für Würmer were exclusively created for the Star Trek "extended universe" also participate in the USS Salivating bei Würmer maiden voyage.

A lot of fan service. If it's a good thing or a bad thing, it's something each reader should consider before delving into these pages. Also, Titan's description is purposely kept vague, because at the time of the book release, the publishers also set up a contest to find salivating bei Würmer best design for the Luna Class starship.

As with any licensed literature, where you have authors dealing with a pre-shaped and somewhat crystallized universe, this book can be considered "sanitized" or "pasteurized".

But I don't anybody reads licensed literature not knowing that. Star Trek: Taking Wing is the first of the series dedicated to Captain William T. Riker and his new ship the Titan. After his career aboard the Enterprise, Captain Riker sets out to prove himself as a leader. Along with former members of the Enterprise, Troi and Vale, the Titan is assigned an important mission to Romulus in order to prevent a civil war salivating bei Würmer could spill over to the Federation.

The beginning of the book starts off with a deeply complex salivating bei Würmer sometimes overwhelming character list. A chief medical officer that is a species not to different from a T-Rex is met with fear and uncertainty from his fellow crewmen.

A ship consular that is described as an almost smurf-like being is assigned the duties that Troi was once responsible for and salivating bei Würmer unjoined Trill is wie Katze Würmer zu for securing the ship. There are many, many more characters that stretch the bounds of reasonable imagination but the sheer number and detail of each would have me typing for far to long.

The books character and storyline are a deeply complex journey into the new path for Riker but as a reader the sheer weight of the story can be too much to keep track of and make for a difficult read. The books saving grace is salivating bei Würmer writing. The salivating bei Würmer authors have a clear understanding of the Star Trek universe and write in a very smooth manner that can take some of the stories edge off. Over-all the book is pretty good but it falls victim to its own weight and far-fetched imagination.

I received the Destiny trilogy of books as a gift and absolutely loved them - they really re-kindled my passion for the franchise. Taking Wing - the first book in the series - sets the scene for what's to come. It's a little slow, as it spends a lot of. It's a little slow, as it spends a lot of time introducing or re-introducing. Riker is among the few humans. Taking Wing has quite a Farpoint feel, but it reminded me a lot of Caretaker too, particularly in how it builds on other Trek-universe events not to mention the ending.

Вашем Arzt, der Würmer behandelt что think to really enjoy the book you need a good grounding in at least the more recent Trek TV series and especially the Nemesis movie, salivating bei Würmer I suppose those buying the book will. Salivating bei Würmer don't necessarily have a problem with a gay character, it was just too much the way it was done.

It's been ages since I've read a TNG novel but I've been intrigued by the idea of what happened after Nemesis for quite a while so finally got around to reading this. I was pleasantly surprised! This is definitely not the voyages of the Starship Enterprise!

I always liked Riker and Troi была Worm lange Forum недолгое so was always going. I always liked Riker and Troi anyway so was always going to like that element and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next for them.

I liked some of the new ideas too - the introduction of an openly gay character was interesting as was the idea that this crew is predominantly made up of species other than human. The only issue I had with the non human species was that some of them were described as being so far removed from human that I found it kind of hard to picture them clearly. I think the writers went for this approach deliberately though because obviously with a book more is left to the readers imagination than with a tv show where you can actually see what the aliens look salivating bei Würmer. Also I'm sure they wanted to give Titan some originality to set it apart from TNG - one of the doctors resembles a dinosaur and TNG definitely didn't do that!

I may not read the salivating bei Würmer books tomorrow but I will definitely read them! I'm a sucker for a good Romulan story, and you get that here, along with Wil Salivating bei Würmer and his new ship Titan. However, I have to deduct salivating bei Würmer for the writing, and the execution of the eBook edition.

The Kindle version at least is badly done, with spaces missing occasionally on entire sentences and leftover hard-hyphenation in the middle of a line in the. First half of the book. Also, salivating bei Würmer few words seem to have been misOCRed. The writing is good, but the author spends too much time describing mechanic. Salivating bei Würmer actual character development moments are short-shrifted occasionally especially Dr.

Salivating bei Würmer is mysterious at the start, and then just conveniently available salivating bei Würmer on. All in all, it is solidly plotted, and the choice of existing characters and the variety of alien crewmembers take great advantage of the lack of budget constraints a book series has over TV. But to really enjoy this book, I would need to be more interested in technobabble and statistics, and less in people and their plight.

Titan is the first Star Trek series I've read that more or less attempts to stand on its salivating bei Würmer legs. Granted, it has the benefit of using characters we're familiar with, but it doesn't have the backing of being televised. It also is the first series I've read that leans salivating bei Würmer on the Star Trek expanded universe, drawing material from previous novels as opposed to just television episodes. This brings along its own sense of continuity, which is a nice change of pace from the previous novels, which.

This brings along its own sense of continuity, which is salivating bei Würmer nice change of pace from the previous novels, which were more like self-contained episodes. I'm interested in how this series plays out as Captain Http:// comes into his own command, moving past the shadow of the Enterprise.

This first novel follows in the footsteps of the Nemesis film, with the Romulan Empire in turmoil. The Titanwith Riker as her captain, is sent on a diplomatic mission salivating bei Würmer soothe the Federation's long-time enemy.

Along with some familiar faces, his crew salivating bei Würmer comprised of a number of alien species not really seen in the Star Trek series or at salivating bei Würmer, not on TV. Overall, it's a good introduction to a new corner of the Star Trek universe.

Das hier ist eine positive Ausnahme. Die Story selbst spielt kurz nach den Ereignissen von "Star Trek - Nemesis". Salivating bei Würmer ist nun Captain seines eigenen Raumschiffes, der Titan. Riker und seine Mannschaft erforschen also nicht fremde Welten, sondern sind eher auf diplomatischer Mission.

Es tauchen einige bekannte Personen aus den verschiedensten Star-Trek-Ablegern auf, die aber alle gut in die Story passen. Das Buch ist gut - wenn auch nicht zu anspruchsvoll - und ich werde mir wohl auch die Fortsetzung zulegen.

Hoffentlich ist die auch so unterhaltsam. Salivating bei Würmer Riker finally gets his own ship, Titan. A new class of ship, meant for exploration and Riker is eager to get started on his brand-new mission.

However, things never work out as planned in Trek-dom and Titan is instead sent to Romulus to broker power-sharing talks between the different factions vying for power after the Shinzon affair. Romulus is in tatters and needs a lot of help. Of course there are Klingons in the mix too, as well as the Tal Shiar, Romulus' secret intelligence service.

Titan salivating bei Würmer a crew of many different species, and humans are in the minority. A doctor who looks like a dinosaur is just one of the new "folks" introduced. I found myself salivating bei Würmer over the descriptions of all these strange crewmen, although there were a few that I knew from previous books - a Trill tactical officer, Cardassian cadet, Bajorans, Vulcans, a Capellan, and of course Riker's new wife Deanna Troi, a Betazoid.

Any Trek story would not be complete without a space battle, so naturally we get one of those, as well as a prison break, cross-over characters from TOS, TNG and Voyager, and a very interesting ending, which of course means a second book. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. And if it should awaken, the consequences are unimaginable. Titan" ventures beyond the outermost reaches of known space, the telepaths in her crew -- including Diplomatic Officer Deanna Troi -- are overwhelmed by an alien cryof distress, leading the ship to the scene of a shocking act of carnage: a civilization of interstellar "whalers" preying upon salivating bei Würmer exploiting a familiar species of sentient spaceborne giants.

Appalled but reluctant to rush to judgment, Captain William Riker just click for source his crew investigate, discovering a cosmic spawning ground in a region of active star formation -- the ecosystem salivating bei Würmer a bewildering array of diverse but similarly vast life-forms. Two teams from the Titan have been sent to investigate. Half a galaxy away, Captain William Riker and the crew of the Starship Titan have made contact with the reclusive Caeliar -- survivors of a stellar cataclysm that, two hundred years ago, drove fissures through salivating bei Würmer structure of space and time, creating a loop of inevitability and consigning another captain and crew to a purgatory from which they could never escape.

Now the supremely advanced Caeliar will brook no further intrusion upon their isolation, or against the sanctity of their Great the small, finite lives of mere mortals carry little weight in the calculations of gods. But even gods may come to understand that they underestimate humans at salivating bei Würmer peril.

The captain knew it was an honor without equal. His new command bore the name of Enterprise. Some officers would be intimidated, but they would not have been given command of Enterprise. On her first mission, the Enterprise was sent to Farpoint Salivating bei Würmer. A simple, straightforward investigation. Salivating bei Würmer for a crew that had never served together. Then there was Q. When he was least expected, Salivating bei Würmer would appear.

At times needling captain and crew with seemingly silly, pointless, and maddening trifles. Могла Würmer Methode der Infektion доводил was it today that Picard was remembering the day he took command of the Salivating bei Würmer Now he commanded a new ship, the Enterprise-E. His crew was different. There was nothing about Gorsach that in the least resembled Farpoint.

The Borg invasion has left the Federation reeling. Countless people have been killed or displaced by the wonton destruction, and now seek solace on planets that struggle just to feed their own. The salivating bei Würmer wrought in the paradise that was the United Salivating bei Würmer of Planets now seem to be a distant dream.

Starfleet is shattered, giving old enemies a chance to gain the upper hand. The question now is, what can one ship, this web page one captain do to prevent humanity from losing the peace?

The entire race thinks with one mind and strives toward one purpose: to add our biological distinctiveness to their own and wipe out individuality, to make every living thing Borg. In over two centuries, the Federation has never encountered a greater threat. Twice Starfleet assembled and threw countless starships to stand against them. The Borg were stopped, the price paid in blood.

Humanity breathed a sigh of relief, assuming it was safe. And with the destruction of the transwarp conduits, the Federation believed that the killing blow salivating bei Würmer finally been struck against the Borg.

Driven to the point of extinction, the Borg continue to fight for their very existence, for their culture. They will not visit web page denied. They must not be stopped. The old rules and assumptions regarding how the Collective should act have been dismissed.

Now the Borg kill first, assimilate later. When the Enterprise manages to source them once again, the Borg turn inward.

The dark places that even the drones never realized existed are turned outward against the enemy they have never been able to defeat. What is revealed is the thing that no one believed the Borg could do.

But despite all that has occurred, none aboard the Enterprise have salivating bei Würmer their duty as Starfleet officers. Assigned to assist the imperiled Dokaalan -- a small colony of refugees who maintain a precarious existence in a rapidly disintegrating asteroid mining complex -- the Enterprise crew must somehow aid this alien race in terraforming a nearby planet so that it might someday provide a new home for their kind.

But violent salivating bei Würmer of sabotage soon turn a humanitarian crisis into a deadly confrontation. To save the Dokaalan from extinction, Picard must uncover the presence of an old adversary -- and prevent a disaster of catastrophic proportions!

Non-corporeal and traveling through space in vessels apparently propelled by thought alone, the Children of the Storm at one time managed to destroy thousands of Borg ships without firing a single conventional weapon. Quirinal, Planck, and Demeter — have suddenly salivating bei Würmer targeted without provocation and with extreme prejudice by the powerful Children of the Storm.

And he has hardly resigned himself to his loss when he learns that Beverly has been declared missing in action on a distant planet -- and presumed dead. Starfleet has no salivating bei Würmer but to send in another team to try to save the Kevrata -- and Picard is the natural choice. Critical to the success of his mission are two colleagues who served under him when he commanded the Starship Stargazer -- Pug Joseph, a man with a past to live down, and Doctor Carter Greyhorse, who has served time for attempted murder -- as well as a Romulan who left his people years earlier and never expected to return.

Together, they follow the trail of Beverly Crusher to Kevratas, determined to succeed where the doctor failed. So begins a desperate struggle -- not only for the freedom of the long-oppressed Kevrata but also for the soul of the Romulan Empire.

The story follows on more info from the end of In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II. For her to rule, she must hold sway not only over the starship from the future but also over her warlords, the resistance, and her Andorian husband. As quickly and brutally as Hoshi seized power, imperial rule is taken from her. Her only chance to rule again is to ally herself with a lifelong foe, and an alien.

Is this a form of Vulcan madness, or is it the coolly logical plan of a man who knows the price his universe must pay for its freedom? No one dares to question the order, except at peril of their lives. One man survives by blinding himself to the salivating bei Würmer around him. However, Jean-Luc Picard resists, just once. And in that one instant he unlocks a horror beyond the tyranny of the Alliance.

Can a man so beaten down by a lifetime of oppression stop the destruction? Star Trek The Next Generation. His most recent novels include Enterprise: The Romulan War and Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many. His work has also been published by Atlas Editions in their Star Trek Universe subscription card seriesStar Trek Monthly, Dreamwatch, Grolier Books, Visible Ink Press, The Oregonian, and Gareth Stevens, Inc.

He lives with his wife, Jenny, and their two sons in Portland, Oregon. Other Books in the Series. But even far from home on a mission of eine Person das Gefühl, er Würmer, the scars of the recent cataclysm remain with them as they slowly rebuild their lives. The planet Droplet is a world made mostly of water without a speck of solid ground.

Life should not exist salivating bei Würmer, yet it thrives. When one native species proves to be sentient, Lavena finds herself immersed in a delicate contact situation, and Riker is called away from Deanna Troi at a critical moment in their marriage. Troi must face a life-changing event without her salivating bei Würmer, while the crew must brave the crushing pressures of the deep to undo the global chaos they have triggered.

Books by Michael A. More… Share This Book. Share on your website. Trivia About Taking Wing. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Be the first to ask a question about Taking Wing. Best Shared Universe Books. More lists with this book.

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