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The parasite fauna of the atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L In cod Würmer

Login to your account. We'd like your opinion about BioMed Central, help us by. The present study is based on examination of large samples of cod from six geographical areas of the North East Atlantic which yielded abundant baseline data on parasite distribution and in cod Würmer. The gills and internal organs oesophagus, stomach, intestine, pyloric caeca, liver, heart, spleen, gall bladder and gonads were examined for in cod Würmer following a standardised protocol.

The taxonomic in cod Würmer of the identification was ensured thorough the entire study. We discuss some problems in parasite identification, outline the composition of the parasite faunas in cod in the six North East Atlantic regions, provide novel data on parasite prevalence and abundance and a comparative assessment read article the structure of the regional parasite faunas with respect to the higher-level taxonomic groupings, host specificity and zoogeographical distribution of the parasites.

Our study reveals relatively rich regional parasite faunas in cod from the North East Atlantic which are dominated by generalist parasites with Arcto-Boreal distribution. Further, it provides more detailed data on the distribution in the North East Atlantic of the majority of cod parasites which may serve as baselines for future studies on the effect of climate change. Based on the faunal comparisons, predictions can be made in relation to the structure and diversity of the parasite communities in in cod Würmer North East Atlantic regions studied.

The Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. The long list of cod parasites summarised by these authors illustrates the omnivorous nature of its diet, and its complex role within the food webs.

Overall, the literature on cod parasites reveals both, differential study effort and an uneven geographical coverage. The present study was carried out within the framework of the multidisciplinary international project CODTRACE aimed at combining different traceability techniques to establish spawning and harvest location of G.

We provide novel data on species prevalence and abundance and a comparative assessment of the structure of the regional parasite faunas with respect to the higher-level taxonomic groupings, host specificity and zoogeographical distribution of the parasites.

Sampling locations in the regions of study. Sample sizes by region areas as currently demarcated by ICES and season. Each fish was measured [total length TL and standard length SL ] and weighted.

These were shipped to the University of Valencia for parasitological examination. The gills and internal organs oesophagus, stomach, intestine, pyloric caeca, liver, heart, spleen, gall bladder and gonads were examined separately. Muscles were not available for examination. After collection of all parasite specimens, all organs were pressed individually between glass plates and further screened for parasites.

Examination was carried out with in cod Würmer aid of high magnification stereomicroscope. Nematodes and acanthocephalans were examined as wet mounts in saline solution or temporary mounts in clearing liquids lactic acid or glycerine.

Furthermore, gill monogeneans of the latter genus were not detected probably due to their degradation during freezing. The abundance of the copepod Holobomolochus confusus from the nasal cavity of cod, as well as of some other external parasites such as hirudineans, amphipods and isopods may appear underestimated since the samples were collected in the field by non-specialists.

Despite these sampling problems, the vast material of in cod Würmer analysed in the present study was collected using identical sampling procedure in in cod Würmer regions.

Parasitological examination was carried out following a standardised protocol and the taxonomic consistency of the identification was ensured thorough the entire study.

In cod Würmer identification of some of the species found in this study is still controversial. Consequently many studies could have underestimated the presence of the latter species in cod.

The material reported here as D. She concluded that S. This author pointed out that the specimens he considered to be S. However, circumoral spines are very fragile and can be lost in frozen material or during the handling process.

Although reported, the former species is infrequent in cod and common in other gadoids. The only adult cestode recovered in the present study was identified as A. Moreover, cross-sections in cod Würmer the main distinctive feature at the generic level of the present material, i. Larval stages pose a number of obstacles to parasite identification mostly because of in cod Würmer simple morphology and the fact that many of the species discriminating features are not yet present at the early stages of parasite development.

One of the new host records, Rhipidocotyle sp. Electrophoretic analyses of gene enzyme systems identified three sibling species: P. A further two taxa were also later included in the P. Among the sibling species of the P. Similarly, Nascetti et al. Unfortunately, the above distinctions cannot be applied to the abundant larval collection in the present study due to the lack of reliable morphological features to discriminate the sibling species within P. Therefore, these forms were designated as P.

The specimen was somewhat damaged which precluded its identification to the species level. However, its small oral capsule indicated that it represents a form different from both C. The three additional new host records, namely Spinitectus sp. Since the distinction of these species was inferred from molecular evidence, we were not able to discriminate E.

All fish were infected, except for three fish from the Baltic Sea. Specificity and distribution categories were only assigned to parasites identified to species level.

Two of these cannot be considered true parasites of in cod Würmer but rather in cod Würmer of the fish food content, namely the copepod A. Three species [ H. In contrast, ten species infected only one fish each. Taxonomic structure of the parasite faunas of G. The four other regional faunas i. The above two distinct faunas also showed marked differences with respect to the relative abundance of the higher taxonomic groups. Although nematodes were the richest taxon in the Baltic Sea collection, the high numerical dominance of acanthocephalans was the most distinctive trait of the cod parasite fauna in this region.

Three species [ E. Another characteristic feature of the Trondheimsfjord fauna was the low representation of larval nematodes and the numerical dominance of adult nematodes.

Thus, two species, C. A much in cod Würmer representation of nematodes was revealed in the four regions which exhibited similarity with respect to the species richness structure of the faunas i. Celtic, Irish and North seas and Icelandic waters. The most representative species were A. Trematodes were less abundant when compared to the faunas of the second group i. The most abundant nematodes were as in the Celtic Sea collection A. The most abundant trematode species in the Icelandic waters fauna was D.

Although the most widespread and nematode species were roughly the same as in the Celtic in cod Würmer Icelandic faunas, their proportions of the total abundance differed. The parasite fauna of the North Sea cod could be considered intermediate between the Irish Sea and the other two i.

Again, the most common and abundant species were almost the same as in the Irish Sea fauna, but their relative proportions differed. Cluster analysis dendrogram group-average linkage of Tabletten für Hunde parasite faunas of G. No host specific parasites were found in this study. This suggestion was followed in the present study for the species not listed by the latter authors. Relative richness A and abundance In cod Würmer structure of the parasite faunas of G.

The other four regions Celtic, Irish and North seas and Icelandic waters showed similar proportions and shared the same gadoid specialist species. Seven gadoid specialists were common for the four regions: L. Among these is the new host record, the monogenean D. This species was also recorded in the Arctic samples from the Natural History Museum, London examined by Perdiguero-Alonso et al.

However, recent data suggesting that of the three sibling species only A. The copepod species recovered in cod for the first time in our study, C. Relative richness A-F and abundance G-L structure of parasite faunas of G. It indicates a high regional richness of the metazoan parasites of cod in the North East Atlantic. These results conform to the in cod Würmer and non-selective diet of cod, its wide depth distribution and migratory behaviour. It is also possible that increased sampling effort has contributed to the high diversity of the parasite list reported here and this is supported by the seven new host records.

Of these, only the gadoid specialist D. The geographical distribution of the Callionymidae overlap with that of cod, in cod Würmer its recovery indicates some interaction with calionomids.

Parasites from all metazoan taxa were recorded in the present study, with eleven species present in all regions. The predominant higher taxa in the regional faunas in terms of number of species were trematodes and nematodes. However, the taxonomic structure of the faunas based on the relative abundance of the higher taxa revealed that nematodes mostly anisakid larvae represent the majority of all parasite individuals. This fact can be related to cod being a voracious predator, and with a long life-span, which facilitates larval accumulation.

The regional faunas exhibited differences with respect to both higher-level taxonomic structure and species-level comparisons. Remarkably, none of the species characteristic of low salinity and freshwater in cod Würmer reported previously in cod i. These differences, therefore, indicate different transmission conditions in the two low-salinity regions. This suggestion is further reinforced by the notably different structure of the faunas in the latter regions characterised by the numerical dominance of generalist acanthocephalans [mostly E.

Gammarid Gammarus oceanicus and caprellid Monoporeia femorata amphipods serve in cod Würmer intermediate hosts of E. Whereas the present data on the overall prevalence of L. It is also possible that the dominance of the two Lepidapedon species in the parasite fauna in cod from Trondheimsfjord is related to the presence of conditions enhancing completion of their life-cycles.

The life-cycle of L. The first intermediate host of L. However, the life-cycle of L. Higher gadoid richness may also be associated with higher transmission rates which resulted in the dominance in the Trondheimsfjord fauna of the adult stages of two gadoid specialist nematodes, C.

Final hosts of C. It is possible that the high infection levels with C. One of the main results of the present study was the overall higher structural similarity of the parasite faunas in cod from Celtic, Irish and North seas and Icelandic waters, perhaps due to the similar oceanographic characteristics of these four regions.

The domination of the generalist Arctic-Boreal anisakid nematodes [ A. When ingested by marine crustaceans e. These authors revealed an obligatory second intermediate host, Maurolicus muelleri Sternoptychidaeand stated that piscivorous Pollacius virens, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Etmopterus spinax and planktivorous and juvenile fishes Clupea harengus, Trisopterus esmarki, Melanogrammus aeglefinus serve as paratenic hosts of A.

Although the data on the life-cycle of C. This versatile behaviour coupled with the in cod Würmer of the final hosts, may explain the wide distribution and abundance of these species.

Despite their Würmer Helminth aller Art structural similarity, the four faunas could be grouped in two pairs, those from Celtic Sea and Icelandic waters vs those from the Irish and North seas. It appears that the grouping with respect to the higher trematode representation in cod parasite faunas in Irish and North seas vs Celtic Sea and Icelandic fauna in cod Würmer related to the sampling locations.

Thus, the fauna from deeper and ocean influenced locations in the Celtic Sea and Icelandic waters were dominated by nematodes whereas the more coastal and shallower locations in the Irish and North seas exhibited higher proportions of trematode individuals.

Overall, generalist parasites with In cod Würmer or worldwide distribution comprised the best represented group of the cod parasite fauna with respect to both richness and numerical dominance due to the presence of anisakid nematodes. Parasite communities in cod from the Baltic Sea and Trondheimsfjord would show much lower richness, abundance, in cod Würmer and would exhibit higher variation in composition and structure.

Parasite communities in cod from the other four regions Irish, Celtic and North seas and Icelandic more info would have the highest richness, abundance, diversity and similarity and would be dominated by larval nematodes. Thanks are due to the CODTRACE team, especially to Dr Juan Antonio Balbuena, and the rest of the Marine Zoology Unit Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia for technical assistance and Patricia Gozalbes for her help with the map and the references.

We are grateful to Professor Chris Arme who kindly corrected the English and the three reviewers for their important comments and suggestions. DPA and FEM carried out the parasitological examination of fish identifizieren Würmer Analyse the identification of the parasites. DPA performed the comparisons and drafted the manuscript. JAR and AK contributed to the design of the study, assisted in data interpretation and helped to draft the manuscript.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under in cod Würmer terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License onshopping.ruwhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Download PDF By continuing to use this website, you agree to in cod Würmer Terms and ConditionsPrivacy.

Part in cod Würmer Springer Nature. We use cookies to improve your experience with our site. Search BioMed Central articles. Research Composition and structure of the parasite faunas of cod, Gadus morhua L. Although numerous studies on parasites of the In cod Würmer cod, Gadus morhua L. Comments on parasite identification and taxonomy. General description of the parasite fauna of cod.

Structure of the regional in cod Würmer faunas in cod: Higher-level taxa. The figure shows the relative representation in terms of both number of species and individuals of the major parasite taxonomic groupings in cod, namely, Trematoda, Cestoda, Nematoda, Acanthocephala and Copepoda.

The four remaining higher-level taxonomic groups, i. In cod Würmer, Hirudinea, Amphipoda and Isopoda, were poorly represented, both in terms of species and individuals, and were omitted for clarity. However, the grouping within the latter differed from that described above on the basis of the higher-level parasite representation.

The three species considered as accidental made up a minute proportion of the species and individuals. The parasite faunas of the other low salinity region, Trondheimsfjord, in cod Würmer an opposite pattern, i. Six species of this category, the trematodes L. To summarise, our study reveals relatively rich and abundant regional macroparasite faunas in cod from the North East Atlantic which are generally dominated by in cod Würmer parasites with Arctic-Boreal distribution.

Furthermore, it provides more detailed data on the distribution in the North East Atlantic of the majority of cod parasites which may serve as baselines for future studies on the effect of climate change on parasite distribution in abundance since the regions occupied by cod are expected to experience some of the largest anthropogenic climate changes in the world.

The higher-level faunal comparisons suggest that differences may exist in the feeding behaviour between cod sampled in the six regions. On the other hand, the composition of the regional faunas may be determined largely by variations in the abundance of the intermediate hosts.

These suggestions are supported by the high regional variation in the prevalence and abundance of the parasite species which translated into somewhat different clustering pattern based on similarity at the species level.

Finally, based on the above comparisons, the following predictions can be made in relation to the structure and diversity of the parasite communities: i. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to the CODTRACE team, especially to Dr Juan Antonio Balbuena, and the rest of the Marine Zoology Unit Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia for technical assistance and In cod Würmer Gozalbes for her help with the map and the references.

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Although numerous studies on parasites of the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. have been conducted in the North Atlantic, comparative analyses on local cod parasite.

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300 WÜRMER 🎮 Worms W.M.D. #20

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