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Eizellen Analyse FISH-Analysen an unbefruchteten Eizellen FISH analysis of unfertilized human oocytes: chances and limitations | SpringerLink

FISH-Analysen an unbefruchteten Eizellen because of specific problems during preparation of oocyte chromosomes and possible pitfalls during analysis.

Epigenetische Effekte der in vitro-Maturation von Eizellen Analyse auf DNA-Methylierungsprofile entwicklungsrelevanter Gene im Modellorganismus Bos taurus Eizellen Analyse effects of in vitro maturation of oocytes on DNA methylation of developmentally important genes in the model organism Bos taurus Tamara Schneider [geb.

Von allen bekannten epigenetischen Mechanismen ist die DNA-Methylierung die meist untersuchte DNA-Modifikation. Die Gesamtrate von Methylierungsfehlern einzelner CpG-Stellen sowie die von ganzen Allelen Imprintingfehlern unterschied sich nicht wesentlich zwischen den beiden IVM-Gruppen und der in vivo-Gruppe.

Weder das Alter, die hormonelle Stimulation noch die IVM scheinen somit einen Einfluss auf den Methylierungsstatus dieser drei Gene Eizellen Analyse haben.

In vitro-maturation IVM of oocytes is an ART which is routinely applied for reproduction of agriculturally and economically important species like cattle Bos taurus. However, IVM oocytes exhibit a reduced developmental competence to the blastocyst stage which may be caused by an impaired epigenetic regulation.

Of all known epigenetic mechanisms DNA-methylation is the most studied DNA-modification. In this thesis, bovine oocytes have been analyzed in order to investigate the impact of IVM on the DNA-methylation of imprinted Eizellen Analyse non-imprinted genes.

Because this species exhibits a Eizellen Analyse preimplantation development and gestation length as humans, it is increasingly being used as a model for human Eizellen Analyse and embryo development.

In contrast to humans continue reading mice, only little Eizellen Analyse on bovine imprinted genes is available. Limiting Dilution LD Bisulfite Sequencing El Hajj et al. In a first approach using LD, the three characterized imprinted regions were analyzed to determine putative epigenetic alterations in bovine oocytes cultured with different types of IVM conditions and media TCM and mSOF.

The developmental capacity of IVM oocytes from prepubertal calves is reduced compared with their IVM Eizellen Analyse counterparts from adult animals.

Both immature and in vitro matured prepubertal and adult oocytes showed unimpaired hypomethylation of the three gene promoters without differences between the different ages of donors and treatments.

Thus, neither age nor hormonal treatment or IVM Eizellen Analyse to influence the methylation status of these three genes. In conclusion, the reduced developmental capacity of IVM oocytes from adult and prepubertal cattle were not associated with aberrant methylation patterns of Eizellen Analyse investigated and non-imprinted genes suggesting a general stability of established DNA-methylation marks in oocytes.

Therefore, epigenetic mechanisms other than DNA-methylation such as ncRNAs or histone modifications might confer to the reduced developmental competence of prepubertal and IVM oocytes. These factors are supposed to interfere with cytoplasmic maturation Eizellen Analyse the oocyte leading to an impaired development of the zygote and embryo rather than to influence nuclear maturation Eizellen Analyse the oocyte.

Thomas HaafProf.

Eizellen Analyse

Eizellen Analyse reflectors and molecular predictors of preimplantation developmental competence in bovine oocytes and embryos. Accordingly, the Eizellen Analyse to define reliable predictors for developmental competence is indispensible. Up to now most morphological and molecular markers are subjective and partly invasive and thus relatively inaccurately.

Structural Eizellen Analyse in terms of number and size of pores were displayed by the Scanning electron microscopy and determined quantitatively in zona pellucida birefringence ZPB. Immature oocytes classified Eizellen Analyse high presumble Eizellen Analyse oocytes exhibited highest values for birefringence, and in vivo matured oocytes showed the lowest values for birefringence compared to their in vitro matured counterparts.

These results implicate, that decreasing values for ZPB during maturation are typical for high developmental competence. Analyses using microarray technology revealed specific molecular fingerprints for blastomeres whose Eizellen Analyse blastomere developed to the blastocyst stage in contrast Eizellen Analyse those blastomeres whose sister blastomeres stopped cleaving after separation or were blocked before embryonic genome activation EGA.

Pathway analyses uncovered, that differentially regulated genes DEG were mostly involved in oxidative phosphorilation, oxidative stress response and antioxidant activity. Taken together, noninvasive morphological criteria predicting subsequent developmental competence of matured bovine oocytes were identified in this work.

Untersuchungen boviner Eizellen und Embryonen auf morphologischer und molekularer Ebene zur Identifizierung von entwicklungsrelevanten Markern. In der zweiten Studie der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine direkte Korrelation zwischen dem Transkriptionsprofil einer Blastomere eines bovinen Zweizellers zum Entwicklungspotential der korrespondierenden Schwesterblastomere hergestellt.

Schlussfolgernd konnte gezeigt werden, dass spezifische molekulare Mechanismen direkt mit this web page Entwicklungspotential korrelieren und es bereits im Zweizeller determinieren.

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