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1 Tablette von Würmern Person 1 Tablette von Würmern Person

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1 Tablette von Würmern Person

She is a wonderful teacher. She makes class fun and makes sure everyone understands the material. Some people read the book to prepare for the tests, I was able to pass with flying colors without reading the textbook. My first time taking a psychology class was with this professor, and I couldn't be happier choosing her.

Definitely would recommend taking her. I loved taking Professor Van Wormer. Her abnormal psych class helped me learn a lot. Lots of notes, but quizzes and exams are easy if you pay attention. Professor Van Wormer is a great professor! The one thing I battled with were the times quizes, I always felt too rushed. Otherwise this was an interesting course!!

I 1 Tablette von Würmern Person Professor Wormers online class and it was very easy to keep up with! Study quiz, Group discussion, Quiz - THATS IT! Quizzes are timed but very achievable, also class is really interesting and not boring at all. Currently have a A in the class. Definitely would take her again! SARA VAN WORMER AWESOME! She makes the course schedule very clear and easy to follow.

Her grading criteria is very clear and submits grades within a few hours. A quiz for each chapter and a few tests. Lectures are very entertaining, has a good sense of humor, and gives extra credit. I strongly recommend her, and would definitely 1 Tablette von Würmern Person again :.

There were a few glitches because Canvas is a relatively new concept. She gives study guides, but I feel like every little detail in the book is subject to being a test question! Professor Van Wormer is great, though. Ideally, you should take her in person! Class had the amount of reading and assignments you would expect. Tests were tough and all over the 1 Tablette von Würmern Person. The questions on tests were tricky and you didn't always feel confident with your response because 1 Tablette von Würmern Person could go different ways.

Final is worth a big chunk of your grade. I would NEVER take her again, I am a dedicated student-not 1 Tablette von Würmern Person. I would definitely take her again.

She is the best professor I have took in MCC. Professor Sarah if you are reading this your the best. She enjoys her job and it shows. I took this intro class a few years ago so I don't know if she still does this but we had a quiz at the beginning of every class on the material we learned last time but they were short and easy as long as you paid attention.

Usually pretty nice, gives quizzes right after the lecture which gives no time to take in new material. Many test questions not discussed in lecture which could be difficult. Absolutely zero rhyme or reason to her teaching "method. If I could take this class again I would it was very interesting and if you pay attention and take notes there is no way you could fail she writes notes out and puts them on the board for students to copy, I also took her abnormal psyc class because she was such a good teacher just be sure to look over notes before quizzes and you'll pass.

I tried to com back and take it again for free, but this teacher wouldn't let me. I get the feeling that other Psychology teachers are ok - but this one is lazy. Wo und wie man für Würmer getestet never even returned my phone calls.

She is unreasonable and difficult to communicate with. I've been trying to ask her a? She doesn't allow emails, only in the "virtual 1 Tablette von Würmern Person, which she Tabletten von Würmern Preisliste answer anyways. She doesn't like opinions other than those of hers. She 1 Tablette von Würmern Person the way she wanted her teachers to teach her tongue twister!

She helps you when you need help and is overall the best teacher I've had for my fall semester! Oh and DON'T BUY THE BOOK SAVE YOUR MONEY! If you really like Psychology take someone else. Her powerpoints are verbatim excerpts from 1 Tablette von Würmern Person book, which she reads all class. It was boring, not interactive in any visit web page, and pointless to come to class if she was just going to read from the book.

I don't know about these other students but they must not know what makes a good teacher. Van Wormer is enthusiastic about teaching. Her teaching style is enjoyable. The students are what made the class annoying, not her. The tests are great because they use questions verbatim from the quizzes. And the final uses questions verbatim from the exams. So it's pretty easy to study for them. It helps to read the chapters Ads can be annoying, but they allow us to provide you this resource for free.

If you use an ad blocker, we're 1 Tablette von Würmern Person getting that revenue that helps keep up and running. Help guide your fellow classmates by giving them the inside scoop! They'll do the same for you. Hope you had a good semester. We're all counting on you.

I'm looking for a professor at. I'm looking for professors at. I'm looking for a school in. I want to rate. This field is required. Rate My Professors Blog. Professor in the Psychology department. Learn how ratings work. GET READY TO READ. No ratings found — view all ratings for this professor. Were these reviews helpful? Help out your fellow students. More Professors from this school.

By clicking the 'Submit' button, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the Rate My Professors. Terms of Use and. Submitted data becomes 1 Tablette von Würmern Person property of IP addresses are logged. Macomb Read more College all campuses Edit. Get ready 1 Tablette von Würmern Person read. BEWARE OF POP QUIZZES. GRADED BY FEW THINGS.

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Go ahead, log in, you're still anonymous. You're always anonymous here, but logging in will save your school and recent searches, helping you find professors faster. You can thank us later. Would Take Again: Yes.

Shes the best professor in mcc. It helps to read the Mittel gegen Herzwürmer für Katzen.

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